About Us
Our Identity
“We are followers of Christ welcoming all in worship and fellowship as we share God’s love through service” is who we claim to be. It is why Penfield Presbyterian Church exists as a congregation and it is the reason God has gathered us together as church here in this specific place and time.
The foundation of Penfield Presbyterian Church continues to be relational. Connecting with God, each other, and with the community are essential elements of our faith journey together in this complex world. Our challenges for the future include exploring new ways to “be church” and growing in our relationships, by stretching out of our comfort zones, and by engaging with our neighbors near and far.
We also identify as a “Matthew 25 church”, joining other churches committed to pursuing Matthew 25 goals. The Matthew 25 initiative helps to guide mission activities, set priorities, and increase the spiritual energy of our kingdom work. PPC is currently focused on two of the Matthew 25 arenas: Building Congregational Vitality and Eradicating Systemic Poverty.
Our Worship
We gather for worship in the sanctuary and online each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m.  Our Sunday worship is liturgical in style yet relaxed and welcoming, rather than formal. During the summer months we gather for worship on the front lawn. Adults and children of all ages are invited to participate in worship.
We follow an order of worship and sing more traditional hymns. Preaching is scripture based and may be thematic, or lectionary centered. We generally celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each month and welcome all to participate as guided by our Presbyterian Church (USA) Book of Order. Our Pastor collaborates with the Seasonal Teams to plan special services or to add creative elements to our worship within a traditional Presbyterian context. Our gifted Church Musician, Chancel Choir, and occasional soloists share their gifts to enhance our worship of God.
Children are precious members of our church family. They are always welcome in worship, and we are grateful for their authentic enthusiasm. A “Pray and Play” area is available at the rear of the sanctuary with toys and crafts for children to enjoy and engage in worship at their developmental level. Following the Children’s Message children are also invited to participate in Church School two (2) Sundays per month.
For those who would prefer to worship at home, we livestream the Sunday service on our YouTube page. Recordings of past services are also available.
How We Serve Others
Sharing God’s love in the world through our giving and service takes many forms. We serve our community as individuals and in small groups through intentional actions of kindness, generosity, and hands-on activities.
Some of the organizations we are active with include Habitat for Humanity, Penfield Ecumenical Food Shelf, REACH Advocacy, and Cameron Community Ministries. We continue to commit at least 10% of our pledged giving for mission and throughout the year we have many special collections of funds and goods for our neighbors in need.
Organizational Structure
Everyone is welcome to participate in worship and in the work of the church. Membership is not a requirement and there are no conditions to be met for fellowship. Individual differences are respected, and each person decides for themselves what is meaningful and important for their faith journey.
We are members of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The Presbyterian Church (USA) is Reformed in its theology and Presbyterian in its church government. At the core of Presbyterian identity is a secure hope in the grace of God in Jesus Christ, a hope that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, empowers us to live lives of gratitude: “In affirming with the earliest Christians that Jesus is Lord, the Church confesses that he is its hope, and that the Church, as Christ’s body, is bound to his authority and thus free to live in the lively, joyous reality of the grace of God.” (Book of Order F-1.0204)
The word, “Presbyterian” refers to our representative form of government which emphasizes that the leadership of the church is shared between minister and church members. Every church elects its governing leaders from among the congregation. In addition, we use the Seasonal Model of church organization which offers the opportunity for creativity and expanded understanding of scripture while also allowing members to share the workload for a specific season.
Our Building and Grounds
We are located in a quiet and convenient neighborhood setting with easy access from Whalen Rd. or Atlantic Ave. just west of Rt. 250 in the Penfield School District. Our accessible facility is located on 5 acres of land. During the week much of our facility is used for the activities of the Penfield Presbyterian Early Learning Center.
The sanctuary, fellowship area, and adjacent restroom are fully accessible. We have a canopy at the drive-up entrance, automatic doors, and very slight threshold - which allows easy access for most everyone. Parking is available near the front door.
If you are interested in using space at PPC for weddings, funerals, or other ceremonies please contact the Office (see bottom of page)
Our Staff

Brenda Tucker
Office Administrator
Brenda Tucker began working at Penfield Presbyterian in June 2015. Office Hours for Brenda are M-F from 12:30-4:30 pm. Brenda holds a B.S. Degree from SUNY Buffalo in Accounting.

Tiffany Mowers
PPELC Director
Tiffany Mowers is PPELC Director. To speak with Tiffany about our childcare program call 377-0122.

Christine Stevens-Schwind
Music Director
Christine began leading congregational worship through music and the Chancel Choir in Spring of 2015. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Music Education (emphasis on voice, piano and clarinet) and a Master of Education Degree from Graceland University.
Our Location
1881 Jackson Road, Penfield, NY 14526